Those who Dreamed Spirit winds.... play the melody as drums beat the rhythm of silenced heartbeats....
Sand Creek... Wounded Knee.... Faceless silent dead
Whose screams are never heard.....
Another time..another place.... that never comes...never leaves... always there...
Which hearts can hear this?
It does not take a designated blood quorum....
Does anyone care? Or does the daily existance of this life silence the heart to sob anymore? Who cares that a woman's breasts were cut off and worn as a ornament to decorate a soldier's hat? Does anyone cry over the death of that breastless dreamer?
We have told the stories.... Shared our fires... Given warnings....
And in the silence of the mountains I hear the whispers of the winds... who say....It shall be played again....
No one knows how to light the fires warm the spirits...
I stand...against the winds...and touch the heart of Grandfather Sky who weeps and bow my head as I see that flag of protection the winds as they stood....slaughtered as the buffalo..... dying..still believing....
But no one hears their songs anymore.... and I wish.... Someone knew how to light the fires for it is so very cold...without protection from the winds.....
zina : As the wind blows, as the eagle soars,
as the wolf runs, such are the ways nature,
from them we must learn, freedom.